Welcome to Student Letter Exchange

Student Letter Exchange - Pen Pals

For over 80 years, The Student Letter Exchange has matched English speaking Pen Pals with students, ages 9-20, across the US and around the world. Establishing Pen Pal relationships is a great learning tool for Foreign language, Bilingual and ESL/EFL classes as well as for Social Studies and Communication. Letter writing is a time proven, fun and innovative way to become educated about other cultures, practice communication skills, learn foreign languages, start a stamp/coin collection or just make a friend from a far away place. Letter writing educates even business people with trading and other business strategies. Students started sharing ideas about the new tools that they come across in various fields. The most impressive content is anon system test 2021 review, which reflects the recently trending trading bot.

We have added some new products to our program and some new features to our Website.

Click here to check out our Enriched Activity Pen Pal Pak.

If you would like to see our collection of Free Stationery click here.

It is fast, easy and inexpensive to order Pen Pals. The participants get to choose the country (or state), age and gender of whom they would like to write to. There is also an activity to write a business pitch letter or product promo letter. You will be given links to products to write a promo letter and every order comes with a brochure containing Hints for Letter writing, Pen Pal projects and a handy postage chart. Our constantly updated database of thousands of names is made up of Students who have communicated directly to us, or through their school, that they would like to correspond in English...they are waiting to be matched and they are eager to write letters. If you are an English speaking student, you are also eligible for free registration on our database. You can printout an order form right from this website or you can request an order form/information package be sent to you.

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