Here are some great ideas to help your Pen Pal program grow!
Great Things Said!
For Senior High School Foreign Language: All Pen Pals can communicate in English. But exchanging letters in foreign languages is wonderful practice, and a very effective and fun way to learn.
For Younger Students: We recommend that you choose Pen Pals where English is the native language. We have many English-speaking countries to choose from, on every continent.
For Junior & Senior High Social Sciences: What do you want students to learn about other countries? Have them ask their pal the questions that will get those answers. How do they feel about their government? What is considered a good job in their country? What do they hope to do when they grow up ? What do they know about America? And where did they learn it? What do they do for fun? What are they studying now in school? What is their favorite food? Who are their heroes?
For English Classes Grades 6-12, Learning By Sharing: Have students bring in the cards and letters and display them on a special board. Many students are fascinated by the stamps, the handwriting and the messages from these faraway countries.
Encouraging "Next Steps" for 7th & 8th Grade Geography: Have students study more about each Pen Pal's city, province, and country, and give a short report to the class. This also will help your students write their Pen Pal. And t he Pen Pals will really appreciate the added interest in their country your student has shown.