About the Student Letter Exchange

 It's EASY AND QUICK to order Pen Pals!

  1. Have each student who wants a Pen Pal decide what country, what age and what sex he/she would like to write to.
  2. Complete the order form!
  3. We'll immediately process your requests and match your students from our database of over 500,000 Pen Pals. (Remember all Pen Pals can correspond in English!)


A specific Pen Pal to write to, for each Pen Pal ordered. Easy to use forms

You'll receive forms with easy-to-tear-off squares. They confirm how many Pen Pals you requested, and list each one.

Each square provides the age, gender and address of each Pen Pal. Give one square to each participating student.

Your simple get-started instructions come with the form. It's that simple and fast.


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