Adult Pen Pal Directory
The Student Letter Exchange produces a directory of adults (over the age of 22) who would like to have English Speaking Pen Pals from around the world.
Each directory contains approximately 50 entries including the name, address, age, gender and country of people who would like to correspond with English speaking Pen Pals from around the world. The directory is periodically updated with the most recent requests we receive.
If you prefer to order a copy of the directory through the mail, please send your order and payment to:
The cost is $9.95 + $1.00 Shipping and Handling. For orders outside the USA, the cost is $9.95 + $3.00 for Shipping and Handling. Make sure that payment is in US dollars, a check drawn in US Dollars from a US or Canadian Bank, or a Postal Money Order in US dollars. Click here if you would like an order form that can be printed, filled out and mailed to the above address.