Optional: Fast Fax Back Service is available. Your Pen Pal names will be faxed back to you so you can begin writing even sooner! Please add $15.00 to your total order price for this service.
Matching Your Requests: Your Pen Pal requests are matched within 14 working days.
Super Fast Service: Your requests are matched within 7 working days. This optional service is available for only $3.50 additional!
Record Keeping: Keep
form with each Pen Pal name so you can contact us about the Pal, if
(If you need a replacement pal, for example.)
Substitute Pen Pals: We usually choose Substitute Pen Pals from the same country as the original. You can choose substitutes based on language e.g. request a German- speaking Austrian, for example, to replace a German Pen Pal. If necessary, we also may substitute Pen Pals within one to two years of the ages requested. PLEASE NOTE: These substitutions are not "second stringers." They are registered Pen Pals we chose based on our 59 years of experience. Substitutes are ready and eager to write other Pen Pals!
Accuracy: We do everything possible to verify the accuracy of Pen Pals' names, addresses, age and gender.